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Showing posts from May, 2024

Should Animals Be On Film Sets

 Now this topic is something that is very controversial amongst almost anyone and that is should animals be on film sets? To me, the answer is still not very clear cut as we do like to see animals on the screen and it does tend to add a little something when you see animals but you can't always tell if the animals are being looked after properly and if the right training is being put into place to keep these animals safe. Personally, I would say that animals shouldn't be on sets UNLESS it can be guaranteed that a risk assessment has been carried out even down to the smallest of components on set AND to make sure every basic need of the animal is met but is overly compensated. That being said this is only for domestic pets such as dogs, cats, horses, and those along a similar vein. I believe that no wild animals should ever be used in the industry as they suffer the cruelest treatment.  I n nature, most animals do everything that they can to avoid humans, but those used by Holl...